Umbris The Sycamores

The Sycamores

An IQ Louvre roof has been installed onto The Sycamores restaurant. This is an ideal place to install a louvre roof as it has automated louvres that allow automated shading as well as making the roof over the outdoor eating area watertight when needed.

By having automated shading, if the weather was hot the customers can still eat outside in the shade. If the weather was cooler and the restaurant wanted some sunlight to pass through onto the patio then they can easily position the louvres as necessary. By being able to open and shut the louvre roofs when needed, the restaurant's increasing the comfort for their customers and increasing the use of their outdoor eating area.

As this is a watertight louvre roof, once the louvres are shut no water can pass through onto the patio. This means that the restaurant can use the outside space of the restaurant even in wetter weather, as the patio will stay dry.

This IQ patio roof, in particular, is connected to the building and supported by four bespoke supporting posts. These four posts also act as a water outlet, giving the restaurant extra water draining if there were to be a lot of rain.

By using an IQ Louvre Roof, the restaurant's been able to expand their space and create an outdoor eating experience for their customers with beautiful views of the garden.


The colour of this watertight louvre roof has been matched with the colour of the roof slats on the restaurant. This adds to the modern aesthetic as the colour also matches the patio itself.

For Full IQ Louvre Roof Product Details Click Here.

IQ Louvre ConstructionPost Supported with 4 roof fields, supported by 4 leg posts

20 spot lights